Intercambio Arcadia, Lucia.jpeg
Intercambio Brent, Fede.jpeg

Leaven Community trusts in the sacred interconnection of all and the creative, liberative power of relationship. We invite you to join us in igniting the power of relationship to co-create more equitable, diverse, thriving neighborhoods.


Leaven Community nurtures connection with humanity, cosmos and spirit and creates spaciousness for people to BE, LOVE & ACT TOGETHER through the deeply spiritual organizing practices of Listening, Discerning, Acting, Evaluating and Celebrating. These practices are interwoven in all aspects of our community life and in our organizing cycle; our core process.

Recognizing our complicity in racist systems that oppress, harm and steal life, we commit to transforming ourselves and to taking actions that resist, disrupt, and heal these broken systems. We invite you to experience the transforming power of our organizing practices as we co-create, with neighbors and allies, more equitable, diverse, thriving neighborhoods. All life depends on it.

Our Organizing cycle & Process

We identify systemic pressures and invite imagination for what could be through the practice of listening in our relational-intentional-one-to-one conversations. These conversations occur in various settings and are the foundation for all of our community organizing.

As relationship and love of neighbor deepens, we gather together, engaging in the practice of discerning intersecting public pressures and issues.

The practice of acting together with community power transforms us as our actions create more equitable, diverse, thriving neighborhoods.

Our practice of evaluating and celebrating new learnings and leaders through the lens of Who are we paying attention to?”
”Who benefits from our actions?” and ”To whom are we accountable?” keep us accountable to being an inclusive, welcoming community.