Housing Summit

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Over 50 representatives from religious institutions and non-profits gathered on Saturday, October 13, 2018 as leaders from Leaven Community and Portsmouth Union Church co-lead the Faith Communities Organizing to Build Affordable Housing Summit, at Portsmouth Union Church. The summit was a continuation of the work for building the Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition.

The goal of the coalition is for religious institutions to contribute to equitable, relational, and vital neighborhoods by addressing, in concrete ways, the common pressures of displacement and unaffordable housing in this city.  Explicitly, we see this happening through

  • relationships with communities of faith, with attention to those where the majority of members have been and are being marginalized due to color, ethnicity and nationality.

  • the re-development of church property where available

  • other creative development means that will spring out of relationship

We will exhibit ways of being that are modeled in and teach about the cycle of relational community organizing.