2024 Statewide Assembly
A Place to Call Home

It’s where we gather to rest, to dream, to nourish ourselves,
to care for one another.

Turning cutting through red tape into red ribbon cuttings at new affordable housing projects...

Water from the four corners of our state coming together in a mighty river...

Indigenous families reclaiming stolen land for health, education, and housing...

Eastern Oregonians resisting water theft by for-profit resort developers...

Youth fighting to save community spaces that give BIPOC and Spanish-speaking young people places of belonging...

Regional religious institutional leaders proclaiming a resounding 'Yes!' to devoting their energy to housing, landback, and climate resilience...

The stories shared last night at the Statewide Assembly were filled with power, and over and over spoke to the truth that while the world may not be as it ought to be, we can make it a place for everyone to call home, if we do it together. 

I can't wait for what's next as we gather more than 1000 people across Oregon into house meetings to take action this season.

Will you join us?

If you want to attend a house meeting (or host one!) in a home near you, click the link below and you'll be a part of the great river of action we're kicking off.

I feel thankful.
I feel hope.
I feel power.
And it's because of all of you.

Thank you for committing to changing our communities so all have a place to call home.  See the photos below for some of the key moments we shared last night!

In solidarity,
Director, Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition

Thank you for making sure that everyone - without exception - has a place to call home!