A few Leaven Community members have been exploring how we can use the Leaven Community kitchen now that we have a working commercial dishwasher.
What if we supported a community cook to take the isolation out of cooking meals at home, alone, with dull knives and conversation with just yourself? What if!
What if, with the support of a professional cook, we prepared a number of weekly vegan meals collectively and collaboratively? (Add your own animal products at home if you like.)
If you are curious and/or interested in participating in this experiment,
Please RSVP to cheryl.lohrmann@gmail.com
Please come to the potluck meal and conversation at Leaven on Thursday, November 17, 5:30-7:00 PM. Childcare provided.
We will explore some different ways to make the project accessible to more people, and accept any and all input. We are hoping to start cooking in January!