How To Live In A Chaotic Climate
by Aimee Lewis Reau, Chelsie Rivera, and LaUra Schmidt
first and third thursdays from 6:30-8pm
in the chapel at leaven
Eco-distress is real. How to Live in a Chaotic Climate is here to help you rediscover meaning, joy, and connection as the tumult around us increases. Based on the Good Grief Network’s acclaimed 10 Steps to Resilience and Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate program, this book unpacks the social, political, and spiritual nuances of the climate emergency, step by step.
(from shambhala.com)
Read more about the book here.
RSVP to Darrel (fearnot.elderbeing@gmail.com).
You can order/pick up a copy at Broadway Books or Powell’s Books, or order online at one of these sites: