
Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition
Multnomah County Cohort

Coalición Comunitaria de la Tierra y la Vivienda de Leaven
Cohorte del condado de Multnomah

Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition YouTube Playlist

09-23-2021 Recording Tri-County Launch
09-23-2021 Slides Tri-County Launch Slides

Portland City Hall Budget Hearing, May 11, 2022

Fifty people showed up in red and stood in solidarity as testimonies were offered at the Portland City Council May 11th Budget Hearing. Three members gave powerful testimonies of their loved ones' experienences of housing insecurity. The need for funding a comprehensive approach addressing the housing and homelessness crisis in our county was well received by the commissioners. VIEW this short video highlight.

Come with your core team and continue developing practices and relationships for acting collectively in this current social justice movement that is informing our cohort and shifting our relationship with land, decision making and neighborhood relationships.
Ven con tu equipo central y continúa desarrollando prácticas y relaciones para actuar colectivamente en este movimiento actual de justicia social que está informando a nuestra cohorte y cambiando nuestra relación con
la tierra, la toma de decisiones y las relaciones vecinales.

LCLCHC Contacts - Contactos del LCLCHC
Julia: julialouisenielsen@gmail.org
Sarah: sarah@imirj.org

Zoom Info - Info de Zoom
Meeting ID - Identificación de la reunión
817 6176 4717
Passcode - Código de acceso

One tap mobile - Un toque de móvil
+12532158782,,81761764717#,,,,*910512# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,81761764717#,,,,*910512# US (San Jose)

Listening Campaign Strategy & Calendaring
Guide to One-to-One Conversations As Sacred Encounter
Map of One-to-Ones: Anna Hoesly-Storyline Community Recording
Faith Community Land Genealogy Worksheet
Research Links for Land Genealogy
Housing Highway


4th Miércoles
Oct 27, 2021

Nov 17, 2021

Dec-Dic 15, 2021

Jan-Enero 26, 2022

Feb 23, 2022

Mar 23, 2022

Apr-Abr 27, 2022

May 25, 2022

Jun 22,2022

2020-2021 GATHERINGS

Tri-County Recordings, Slides