Pastor Solveig Completes Interim

May 2022

Dear friends,

Exciting things are happening! The Ministry Site Profile that so many folks contributed to is now LIVE on the web for potential candidates to see! Juan Carlos La Puente, our Synod representative, is actively reaching out to potential candidates, and we are confident the Call/Search Team will be finalized within the next week to ten days!

Equally as important, the Board and the CMLT are finding their grooves and working toward financial sustainability, stronger community ownership, and re-kindling a culture of relationality. In other words, we are RE-MEMBERING! 

And even more, our partnerships with multiple ecumenical congregations as well as other schools and nonprofits are suddenly BURSTING with possibilities for engagement for children and youth: an emerging NE KIDS' collective for K-5; an emerging NE YOUTH collective for MS and HS; our ecumenical Vacation Bible School from June 20-24 for up to 60 kids; and the Leaven Summer Youth Garden Program led by our very own Jane Keating! We are RE-MEMBERING our kids and they are RE-MEMBERING one another and us!

So despite the challenges presented by two years of pandemic, new life is emerging and the path forward is being revealed one step at a time. We are indeed "making the road by walking!" 

So it is at this time of so many exciting possibilities emerging that I'd like to share that I will be stepping back from my role as Interim Pastor at the end of June. For many reasons I am needing to be gone for all of July and August anyway, so through much prayer and conversation I have discerned that a clear closure to my time in this official Interim role would not only serve my family needs, but the community as well. 

I have invited both the Board and the CMLT to keep in touch, and depending on how the call process is going, if it appears that there is a particular need I can help with in the fall, I am open to supporting the community in a limited and defined way until new leadership is in place. And then I will step back to simply be a building partner with the Interfaith Spiritual Center again, and one among the many beautiful humans who are members of this Leaven/Salt and Light community. 

Starting in July, as the Call/Search Team is likely starting the interview process, Rev. Mary Peterson, a member of Salt and Light, has agreed to be a support to that team. Mary has recently accompanied another congregation through the call process, so she has lived experience to bring to her accompaniment. The Call/Search Team will be well supported by Mary and Juan Carlos!

Serving as Interim Pastor in a pandemic has been a WILD and amazing ride, let me tell you! I don't know how it can simultaneously feel like, "How could I be leaving so soon?" and "Oh my gosh, I've been here TWO YEARS!" But that's just the nature of time in a pandemic, apparently! 

I'll offer more reflections on my time over the next 6-7 weeks, but most of all I wish to convey my deepest gratitude for the tremendous experience of serving in this role with you all, as well as my absolute faith in the power of this community to RE-MEMBER itself in the days, months and years ahead.

Is there more work to do? Yes. 

Did we have all the conversations that needed to be had? No. 

Are we still in a financially risky situation? Yes. 

Is there every reason to invest in this community's future? Absolutely.

Can these bones live? ... Well, that's YOURS to decide. But from my perspective, after two years as your Interim Pastor, the answer is a resounding YES!

With gratitude and great joy,
