What Pleasure Have You Given Up?
Discussion Facilitator: Bruce Cantwell. Saturday, March 28, 2020.
We've opted to conduct this week's discussion via ZOOM.
Scroll down for link under Discussion.
Optional Meditation
(Starting 9:00 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.)
If you wish to arrive pre-meditated, you're welcome to time your meditation at home. (I have found that using streaming media to have someone ring a singing bowl is a poor use of bandwidth. Let's conserve.)
20-minute sitting.
10-minute walking or free range yoga, stretching, mindful movement whatever.
20-minute sitting.
Guided Meditation
If you'd like to try a guided meditation but aren't that keen on sitting cross-legged on a cushion. Here are some somatic listening mindfulness options you can do from the comfort of your own bed!
30-minute https://youtu.be/OwlPIIMwYBg
20-minute https://youtu.be/yhI21p-edF4
11-minute https://youtu.be/yhI21p-edF4
ZOOM Discussion
(10 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.)
What pleasure have you given up voluntarily (Lent) or involuntarily, and what has come up for you as a result?
ZOOM link:
To practice loving mindful speech, we might try muting while listening, and un-muting when we wish to speak. I'll try to recognize speakers in the order they un-mute. We'll see what happens ;)
You may also participate in the discussion by adding your comments to our Meetup page.
Optional Buddhish Reading
This topic roughly conforms to the contours of the second noble truth (or pretty good idea): the source of suffering is craving.
"How to Stub Your Toe Without Banging Your Head"